Wednesday, February 23, 2011

TdA Stage 31. Bubbles.

106km. Addis Ababa to Bush Camp.

I'm just getting slayed on these hills, which has been making for some lonely riding days lately. Being away from the group during the day and then back in to it (especially after my vacation from my vacation at the Sheraton on Addis), really makes me think about this bubble that I'm living in. I'm back in a world in which pedaling a bicycle from Cairo to Capetown is an entirely normal thing to do. It's funny how the specialness of this journey can somehow be diminished when you are surrounded by others who are doing the same thing. Case in point, someone mentioned that there are about 30 of us that are still going for EFI status (from a starting pool of 63). The practical side of me says that cycling 98% of this route (due to illness/injury) should be no less of an accomplishment than doing every inch of the journey. But, the slightly less practical (and much louder) side of me insists that it isn't the same at all. It is this impractical side of me that is very focused on EFI. It's the side of me that went to the trouble of going to Alexandria and pumping out 248km on a bike to Cairo before this trip began so that I could *really* EFI.

So, I shouldn't be surprised when I find that others in the group have found ways to measure their journey in a way that makes it special for them. There's EFC (every fucking campsite), for those who feel that bailing to a hotel when they are available is cheating. And EFCS (every fucking coke stop), for those who feel that grabbing a coke or macchiato in every little town will offer them a larger window into this great continent. EFBB (every fucking bush break), a slightly less attractive option for those who have been plagued by chronic diarrhea.

We were laughing at dinner about what other combinations one might come up with. Among the more challenging ideas we came up with...OFC (one fucking chamois) and NFS (no fucking showers).

I think I'll continue to keep my eyes on EFI.


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