Sunday, June 24, 2007

Babes in the Woods

I rushed out to the mountains after a hectic couple of days in the office catching up after my time in DC/Virginia. I had little more than my tent, mat and sleeping bag with me, but I wasn't worried. I was meeting my girlfriends for our annual camping weekend and I knew that I would be in good hands. I love girls camping weekend. Girls are the best campers - tidy, prepared, polite. Four of the girls have had babies in the last year, but that didn't keep them back, nor did it keep them from having fun. We hiked, we danced, we ate. Best of all, we were convinced by Ranger Steve to attend the Interpretive Show about trees and tree diseases that put on by the park rangers at our campground. The show was entitled Trauma and the Tree-R (most of the scenes took place in the Tree-age unit) and was filled with clever tree-related jokes (something about trunk enlargement and branch augmentation?) and costumes, mixed in with some song and dance. I captured a couple of short videos to share the hilarity of the show. In the first clip, listen carefully at the start for the tail end of the slim shady rap. Ranger Steve is awesome.


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